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Onboard References
Recommended safety and navigation references to keep onboard for ready use.
Recommended Onboard References
Make sure all references are up-to-date. Many of the following references are required on board certain vessels by the Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Act of 1988. Available as free downloads, get the following publications for the areas where you will be fishing:
Printed copies may be available for sale at chandleries and from other retailers. Here are some other references you should consider for the wheelhouse:
Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Digest, published by AMSEA, this book brings together all the federal regulations applicable to the operation of uninspected commercial fishing vessels in one location and in an easy to read and understand format.
Beating the Odds: A Guide to Commercial Fishing Safety, another AMSEA publication, covers weather, fatigue, person overboard, onboard fires, first aid and survival equipment in an easy to read format.
NPFVOA Vessel Safety Manual, 5th Edition, published by North Pacific Fishing Vessel Owners' Association
Deck Safety on Crab Boats, published by Jensen Maritime Consultants.