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Jeff Pearson

$50M in Pandemic Relief Funding OK'd for Alaska Seafood Industry

The federal government has approved a plan by the State of Alaska to provide $50 million in economic aid to the struggling seafood industry. Commercial fishermen, seafood processors, and others in the industry have been contending with economic losses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

As reported by CoastAlaska, the State's plan was released on February 25. "Commercial applicants will need to show that the COVID-19 pandemic caused them at least a 35% loss in revenue last year. Applications will be accepted during a two-month window that opens March 1. Payments could come as early as June."

Alaska Department of Fish and Game Deputy Commissioner Rachel Baker told CoastAlaska, "Non-Alaska resident commercial harvesters who fish up here but live in a state that received a CARES Act allocation must apply to their state of residence,” she said. “They’re not eligible to apply to the state of Alaska for a funds."

Funding has been allocated for the these industry sectors: commercial fishing, seafood processing, sport charter fishing, aquaculture, and subsistence. The is Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commision is processing applications for economic aid. Commercial fishermen and others may apply online until April 30. Additional information is available by calling 1-888-517-7262 or emailing


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