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Training Videos
Marine safety training videos produced by AMSEA, Alaska Sea Grant, NIOSH, the U.S. Coast Guard, and others.
Training Videos
Float Test Myth Buster
Keep your boots, raingear, or waders on if you fall overboard. There is a common misconception about clothing absorbing water causing the wearer to drown. In this video we show you how air gets trapped in your clothes to help you stay afloat.
Signal Flare Types
This video shows you a wide variety of emergency signal flares you might encounter. Learn the what the different types of flares look like, their properties, their burn times, the distance they can be seen from, and their uses.
How to Operate Signal Flares
Everyone onboard a vessel should understand how to operate a flare in case of an emergency. Learn how to operate a variety of different kinds of flares. Always read the instructions carefully before deploying a flare. Flares are an emergency signal that should only be deployed during an emergency or a controlled setting with approval from specific authorities.
How to Don an Immersion Suit (Survival Suit)
This video shows you step-by-step, how to get into your immersion suit quickly and efficiently. Seconds count in an emergency at sea. Donning an immersion suit should be part of your commercial fishing vessel's monthly emergency procedures drills.
How to Maintain Your Immersion Suit (Survival Suit)
Your immersion suit is like a parachute for mariners. Properly maintained immersion suits have saved thousands of lives in emergencies at sea. Learn how to keep your immersion suit service-ready with these step-by-step instructions.
How to Launch an Inflatable Life Raft
Thankfully, most mariners and commercial fishermen have never had to launch an inflatable life raft. Here are step-by-step instructions to quickly and efficiently launch a life raft in an emergency when it is necessary to abandon ship. Don't wait until an actual emergency to learn about launching your vessel's life raft.
How to Operate the P1B Honda Dewatering Pump
The P1B Honda dewatering pump is the pump that the U.S. Coast Guard delivers by air to vessels in distress. Get the lowdown on how to run this pump before you need it, with these step-by-step instructions. While the pump is delivered with operating instructions, you won't want to be figuring it out in the dark, when it's blowing, and the bilge water is up to your knees!
Beating the Odds: Onboard Emergency Drills
Prudent mariners take nothing for granted. They prepare for emergencies by conducting frequent emergency drills. Beating the Odds: Onboard Emergency Drills demonstrates not only what is required for U.S. commercial fishing vessel drills, but also how to conduct drills and what to look for in post-drill debriefings.
Fishing Vessel Stability
Stability problems account for 35% of vessel losses. The lives of operators and crew depend on the stability of the vessels in which they go to sea.
This film outlines the nine factors that affect the operational stability of small fishing boats and suggests procedures that can enhance stability. Footage of real fishing vessel capsizings, the use of models, and survivor interviews illustrate the potentially tragic results of vessel stability problems. This film is useful for anyone who operates or works on a fishing vessel or any small workboat.
Man Overboard Prevention & Recovery
This is a safety awareness video designed to help crew members be more aware of how to prevent and respond to man overboard events. It features interviews with fishermen about experiences with falling overboard, and explains how to successfully recover a person in the water. The video also highlights different equipment that is available such as man overboard alarms and various rescue devices.
Flooding Control: Knowledge & Tools to Prevent Sinking
Fifty percent of the vessels lost at sea sink because of uncontrolled flooding. Knowing how to control flooding can potentially save your vessel, your catch, and the lives of you and your crew. Footage of actual patching and plugging graphically illustrates the knowledge of and tools that fishermen and other vessel operators need to control flooding. This film is useful for anyone who operates or works on any type of vessel.
When Seconds Count: Care and Use of Immersion Suits
Cold water and unpredictable seas can quickly turn any boat trip int a life-threatening emergency. Without adequate protection, survival time can be measured in minutes. Cold is any water colder than 70° F. Immersion suits provide the flotation and thermal protection a person's life may depend upon in a cold-water emergency. However, immersion suits only offer protection when cared for and used properly.
A Matter of Survival: Life Raft Survival Packs
A Matter of Survival: Life Raft Packs, explains and demonstrates the proper use of the contents of your life raft's coastal, SOLAS B, or SOLAS A survival equipment pack. This video also shows how a raft's survival equipment can be upgraded by moving to a higher grade pack or by having additional, personally selected items added. Through dramatizations and interviews with survivors, survival equipment pack contents are explored, according to the priorities of the Seven Steps of Survival: Recognition; Inventory; Shelter; Signals; Water; Food; and Play.
Rescues at Sea: A Guide to Helicopter Evacuations & Dewatering Pumps
Rescues at Sea: A Guide to Helicopter Rescues & Dewatering Pumps, explains and demonstrates the procedures involved when the U.S. Coast Guard responds with a helicopter to a vessel in distress. This video is valuable to all boaters, commercial and non-commercial and is especially useful to those who operate in waters where help from surface search and rescue vessels is unavailable.
It Could Have Been Prevented
Lessons in cold-water boating safety are demonstrated in a dramatic fictional story about a family traveling upriver to a salmon camp. Topics covered include planning; weather; float plans; stability; personal flotation devices; boater's hypnosis; effects of alcohol; risks of drowning; and cold water.
Defensive Diving: What Every Tender Should Know about Dive Harvest Safety
Defensive Diving: What Every Tender Should Know About Dive Harvest Safety, introduces dive tenders to vessel safety, basic dive operations, and dive emergencies. It is an invaluable tool for commercial dive harvesters and other divers who want their onboard tenders to be able to respond quickly and appropriately to an emergency, be it an air compressor failure, a vessel problem, or an urgent medical situation.
Anatomy of a SAR Case: EPIRBs
Coast Guard Lt. Daniel Dunn and Petty Officer 1st Class Travis Unser, watchstanders with the Fifth District command center in Portsmouth, Virginia, and Lt. Tyler Monez, an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter pilot at Air Station Elizabeth City, North Carolina, discuss the importance of emergency position indicating radio beacons, Dec. 20, 2018. The Coast Guard responded to over 700 false EPIRB alerts in 2018 and urges all beacon owners to properly register their devices with NOAA. (U.S. Coast Guard video by Petty Officer 2nd Class Corinne Zilnicki/Released)
Fatigue: It'll Bite You
Commercial fisherman, Russ Eager, describes how sleep deprivation contributed to running his boat aground off the coast of Washington. Produced by the Washington Department of Ecology.

Videos from John Sabella & Associates Inc.
John Sabella & Associates videos are available as DVDs. Click the individual links for additional information and to order from John Sabella & Associates.
Conducting Onboard Drills - How to prepare and conduct onboard drills.
Inflatable Life Rafts - Installing, launching, and boarding inflatable life rafts.
Basic Fire Fighting - How to fight shipboard fires.
Personal Flotation Devices - Types of PFDs and how they work.
Rescue 21 - Calling for help from the high seas.
Taking the Search Out of Search and Rescue - Additional information on Coast Guard's Rescue 21 system.
Visual Distress Signals - The use of pyrotechnics, radios, and lights as emergency signals.
Videos from NPFVOA
NPFVOA training videos are available as DVDs. Click here to order from NPFVOA.
Fire Prevention and Control - Preventing and fighting fires at sea.
Medical Emergencies at Sea: Basic Procedures for First Responders - Treating medical emergencies at sea.
Safety and Survival Procedures: Equipment and Training - MAYDAYs, life raft launching, and survival kits.