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June 2017 Trainings for Commercial Fishermen

Jeff Pearson

Gillnetters Coming In

We have a full slate of trainings for commercial fishermen in June. We're still making classes for June. So, check the website later if you don’t see a class near you.Look for F/V Drill Conductor workshops in Ketchikan, Alaska, Tampa, Florida, and Shark River, New Jersey. Click a link for more information or to register for one of the classes below.

Currently, we have Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor workshops in the following ports:

We also have a First Aid & CPR/AED workshop scheduled:

Commercial fishermen in Gustavus, Alaska may be interested in our Emergency Procedures & Onboard Drills Workshop on June 1 & 2. The workshop is designed to introduce commercial fishermen, charter boat operators, and other mariners to cold-water safety & survival and emergency equipment, procedures, and drills. The workshop does not qualify as U.S. Coast Guard-accepted training for Drill Conductors, but the skills you learn may save your life or the lives of your crew and passengers.

As always, if you don’t see a class at time and place that works with your schedule, please register on our Course Waiting List. We watch the list to see where people may need classes and if you register, we’ll notify by email when we’ve scheduled a class in your area.

Photo credit: echoforsberg via / CC BY

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