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Journal of Agromedicine Calls for Papers

Jeff Pearson

The Journal of Agromedicine is planning a special issue on the topic of occupational safety and health (OSH) in fishing, aquaculture, and seafood processing. The special issue is an outgrowth of OSH research presented at The Fifth International Fishing Industry Safety and Health Conference (IFISH 5) in St. John's, Newfoundland, this past June.

The Journal invites submissions related to recent scholarly/research activities either presented at IFISH 5 or relevant data/information that has been collected in the months since the conference. Topics should directly discuss issues pertaining to OSH in one of these industries. The Journal encourages manuscripts discussing small-scale fisheries, high-risk maritime populations, and strategic partnerships.

Manuscripts intended for consideration must be submitted via email by March 15, 2019, for review by the guest editors. Peer review will be completed during the summer of 2019. The anticipated publication date is October 2019. Due to space limitations, a maximum of (12) manuscripts (original research, commentaries, and brief reports) will be selected for this issue. For more information regarding criteria for submissions, please see “Instructions for authors” on the Journal’s website.

Please send your manuscripts directly to:

Jennifer M. Lincoln, PhD, CSP

Co-Director, Center for Maritime Safety and Health Studies

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

(509) 354-8065

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