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Alaska Health Mandate 10

Yesterday, Alaska Gov. Dunleavy issued Health Mandade 10 and it has commercial fishing boat operators, shoreside processors, and transportation businesses scrambling to meet its requirements. The short version is that the mandate requires anyone traveling from out of state to Alaska to self-quarantine themselves for two weeks upon arrival in state.

Those in self-quarantine must work from home unless they "support critical infrastructure". Critical infrastructure is defined in Attachment A of the mandate and includes, "Food and agriculture, company cafeterias, cultivation, including farming, livestock, and fishing."

If you are planning to bring in employees from out of state before May 1, "you must submit a plan or protocol for maintaining critical infrastructure to the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development by 3:00 pm March 24, outlining how you will avoid the spread of COVID-19 and not endanger the lives of the communities in which you operate, of others who serve as a part of that infrastructure or the ability of that critical infrastructure to function."

United Fishermen of Alaska has distributed an update with links to a template for writing a plan that will meet the mandate's requirements. According to the update, those who cannot make the deadline for submission of their plan should "submit it as soon as possible, however the approval may be impacted for plans received after 15:00. 3pm today." If your crew or employees will be arriving after May 1, the update says that, "businesses that will not have workers travel to enter Alaska before May 1, 2020 may submit plans at this time, or at a later date." Read the UFA Update for all the details, including how to submit your plan.

Also in the UFA Update, a link to Discovery Health MD's Coronavirus Corner. This web page has draft guidance for vessel operators and shoreside processing plants, as well flowcharts for Symptom Assessment and Contact Management.

Obviously, this is a developing situation. We'll post additional information as it becomes available.

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