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UFA Webinar Updates Alaska Fishers on COVID-19 Mandates

Jeff Pearson

Did you participate in the United Fishermen of Alaska webinar yesterday, on updates to Alaska's Mandate 17: Protective Measures for Independent Commercial Fishing Vessels? If you missed it, you can watch a recording of the webinar here. Day fishermen and set net fishermen in particular, will want to watch the recording, as the discussion covered Appendix 3 to . That's the part of Mandate 17 that covers those operations. Lots of other topics were covered as well, like the state's travel and quarantine requirements, what to do if a crew member gets sick, and crew interactions with local communities. Everyone seems to have questions about how the mandates are supposed to work, so the webinar is probably worth 90 minutes of your time. Click the link to watch the webinar.


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