Most mariners encounter large ships from time to time. If you frequent busy ports, you may encounter them quite often. Navigating small craft in the vicinity of ships can be quite nerve wracking. While small craft might not be run down often, when it happens the results are often tragic. With that in mind, AMSEA has produced a short online presentation that will help you learn to avoid collisions with ships.
Avoiding Collisions With Large Ships consists of four brief videos covering the following topics:
Navigational Constraints of Large Ships
Rules for Collision Avoidance
Situational Awareness
Each video is followed by a short quiz to help you retain the information presented.
While producing the presentation, we came across information that even experienced mariners find confusing. Whether you are an old salt or a greenhorn, we think that you're bound to learn something you can use to keep your vessel safe. So, mug up and take a few minutes to learn how you can avoid becoming "big ship road kill."